Members, program participants and guests of the YMCA of Metropolitan Denver (“Denver YMCA”) agree to abide by the following rules, policies, and code of conduct, as updated from time to time on Denver YMCA’s website (, including changes approved by its governing bodies in accordance with its Charter and By-Laws. Members and guests are expected to behave in a mature and responsible way and to respect the rights and dignity of others. Parents and guardians are responsible for the actions of their minor children and wards. Denver YMCA does not permit language or any action that would tend to hurt or intimidate another person, including staff, or that falls below a generally accepted standard of conduct. All members and guests must be able to present valid photo identification when present at or using Denver YMCA’s premises and all facilities and equipment thereon (collectively, the “Premises”) and participating in Denver YMCA’s programs and services (collectively, the “Activities”). Membership cards are not transferable, remain the property of Denver YMCA, and must be returned upon request. Members must be 18 years old to enroll in Denver YMCA without a parent authorizing the application.

Each member parent and guardian pledges to provide positive support, care, and encouragement for his or her child and for all other children participating in youth programs by following the following Parent’s Code of Conduct: 

  • I will encourage good sportsmanship by creating a positive sports environment for all players, coaches, and officials at every game, practice, or other youth sport event.
  • I will place the emotional and physical well-being of my child ahead of my personal desire to win. 
  • I will insist that my child play in a safe and healthy environment. 
  • I will remember that the game is for the youth, not adults, and will do my best to make youth sports fun for my child.
  • I will ask my child to treat other players, coaches, fans, and officials with respect regardless of race, sex, creed, or ability. 
  • I will help my child enjoy the youth sports experience by doing whatever I can, such as being a respectful fan and assisting with coaching.


In the event of an accident, injury, or incident, members and guests should contact a staff member immediately. First-aid kits are available at the Premises, along with automated external defibrillators.

Proper dress for a family-friendly facility is expected at all times. Shirts, bottoms, and shoes are to be worn at all times, except in the pool and locker-room areas. Clothing with offensive, vulgar, or profane writing or pictures is not allowed. Athletic shoes (without black soles), shirts, and shorts are appropriate for gym and work-out areas.

Cell Phones and Cameras
Phone calls should be made only in designated areas, and use of electronics should not disrupt others. Use of cameras is prohibited in locker rooms, restrooms, changing areas, and showers. When otherwise using a camera or other recording device, members and guests must be respectful of the privacy of others.

Denver YMCA reserves the right to cancel classes and programs for any reason, including insufficient registration or attendance and inclement weather conditions.

Data Security and Privacy 
Denver YMCA is committed to providing the highest level of security to members. Personal information, payment information, and other data transmitted through Denver YMCA systems are encrypted.

Drug, Tobacco, and Alcohol Free
The use of alcohol, tobacco, vaping, and illegal and recreational drugs, including but not limited to marijuana, is prohibited on the Premises. Members or guests under the influence of alcohol or illegal or recreational drugs are not permitted on the Premises.

Food and Beverages
Food and beverages can be enjoyed only in designated areas at each of the Premises.

Denver YMCA encourages members to introduce their friends and family to Denver YMCA. All guests are required to abide by Denver YMCA terms, conditions, rules, policies, and procedures; sign a Denver YMCA Release Agreement (“Release”); and present valid photo identification. Guest privileges do not include fee-based program access, and Denver YMCA (including the Wellness Centers specifically) may suspend or limit the use of guest passes during peak periods. Members (ages 13 and over only) may bring guests up to three times at no charge, but members who are under 18 years of age cannot bring in another minor as a guest without the minor-guest’s legal guardian or parent present. After three visits, guests must join Denver YMCA or pay a day-pass fee. If guests are under 18 years of age, their legal guardian or parent must sign the Release. Denver YMCA reserves the right to perform background checks on its guests through sex-offender-screening services. Registered sex offenders and individuals with any criminal conviction for an act that is contrary to Denver YMCA values and mission may not be eligible to access Denver YMCA Premises.

Members and guests must shower before entering pools and may shave only in the shower or sink area.

Locker Rooms

Members and guests are encouraged to lock up their belongings while at the Premises. To rent a key or lock for a Denver YMCA locker, members and guests should present valid proof of membership or guest admission to the front desk. There is a penalty for lost keys or locks.

Most YMCA centers offer family/universal locker rooms which provide a private and secure space to shower, change or use the restroom. While we encourage the use of family/universal locker rooms, according to Colorado state law*, the Y cannot require someone who is transgender or gender nonconforming to use a family/universal locker room.

Lost or Stolen Property 
Denver YMCA is not liable for items lost or stolen on the Premises or during Activities. Members and guests are responsible for their own possessions. Valuables should be left at home.

Lost and Found
Items that are found and turned in are kept at the front desk at each of the Premises. Unclaimed items will be disposed of once a week on Fridays.

Photograph and Talent Release
Denver YMCA may photograph or record Activities involving members and guests for documentation or promotion. Members and guests authorize Denver YMCA to use any photos, videos, or audio recordings of them and their family, without any compensation from Denver YMCA for these images.

Denver YMCA is committed to providing a safe and welcoming environment for every member and guest. To promote safety and comfort for all, individuals must act appropriately at all times when on the Premises or participating in Activities. The following policies promote safety:

Use of Caution. Members and guests should exercise caution when participating in classes, using equipment, and swimming. Members and guests must use protective equipment where recommended and must supervise their minor children. 

Security Cameras. To protect members, guests, staff, and volunteers, certain areas are under video surveillance.

Sexual Offender Background Check Policy. Providing a safe and threat-free environment is of great importance to Denver YMCA. For this reason, Denver YMCA monitors the sexual offender registry. Persons on the list will not be eligible for Denver YMCA membership, guest privileges, Activities participation, or volunteer or employment opportunities. Denver YMCA reserves the right to deny Premises access, membership, or Activities participation to any person who has been charged with or convicted of any crime for an act that is contrary to Denver YMCA values and mission or who is required by law to register as a sex offender. Denver YMCA reserves the right to perform background checks on its members and guests and to periodically review sex offender lists. And members and guests consent to a sexual offender background check. 

Weapons and Violence. Possession, sale, distribution, and carrying of weapons, including guns, knives, and explosives, at the Premises is prohibited and will result in immediate dismissal from the Premises and possible cancellation of membership or participation in Activities. Violent acts by any member, in whatever form, will not be tolerated and may result in cancellation of membership or Activities participation.

Your Time at the YMCA. The YMCA aims to be a third place in people’s lives between work and home, where members, program participants and guests can enjoy YMCA amenities, take advantage of quiet time or have coffee and visit with friends. While people are encouraged to relax at the YMCA, sleeping at the Y, including in any common areas or locker rooms or lounging in a way that prevents people from accessing these areas is prohibited. All YMCA members, program participants, and guests are asked to be respectful of Y spaces and the many people who enjoy the Y. 


Refund Policy (Membership and Programs):  

  • All membership payments are non-refundable. It is the responsibility of the member to notify the YMCA of Denver of their desire to cancel their membership.  
  • Members are not eligible for membership refunds due to specific facility area-closures. (IE: if the pool is down, the member is not eligible for a refund for membership dues). 
  • Membership cancellations must be provided by the 25th of the month in order to prevent the following month’s payment from being withdrawn. Failure to provide notice will result in payment withdrawal. No refunds will be approved for lack of cancel notice.  
  • Annual memberships are non-refundable and non-transferable. Annual memberships are sold for a consecutive 12-month period and will auto-terminate after the 12-month period has ended.  
  • Refunds for annual membership related to moving out of the service area will be denied.  
  • A member or participant cancelling their enrollment in a program may be subject to a 2% administrative fee. Should you decide to cancel your registration or withdraw from a program, an administrative fee of 2% of the total program cost will be deducted from your refund. See more details below that are specific to each program. 
  • Participants in program activities cancelled by the YMCA of Metro Denver are eligible for a refund of the activity/program. A system credit for the full amount of the program will be applied. There are no cash refunds. If a program session is cancelled within the program’s scheduled calendar, a pro-rated credit will be applied.  
  • All cancellation or withdrawal requests are submitted through the contact us form

Read more about our membership policies.

Withdrawal/Refund/Credit Policy – Programs (except camp, OST and ECE): 

  • It is the YMCA’s policy that written notice of withdrawal from the program must be given at least five (5) days prior to the league, clinic or activity session.  
  • Refunds may be given and an administrative fee of 2% of the program cost will be deducted from the refund.  
  • Refunds or credits will be granted, before or after the season, clinic or activity begins, in the following situations: 
  • An individual/child’s health will prohibit them from participating in the program. 
  • An individual/child is injured and cannot participate in the league/clinic or activity.  
  • If the injury occurs after the season/clinic/activity start, the refund will be pro-rated from the time of the injury to the end of the season. 
  •  An administrative fee of 2% of the program cost will be deducted from the refund.  
  • An official doctor’s note must be provided for both instances above when requesting withdrawal and a refund.   
  • A 100% system credit can be awarded when a credit is being requested five (5) days or more before the start of the program as noted above. 
  • YMCA does not credit/refund due to weather related closures. 
  • All cancellation or withdrawal requests are submitted through the contact us form

Withdrawals/Refunds/Credits Policy (Camp/OST/ECE): 


  • It is the YMCA’s policy that written notice must be given of your child’s withdrawal from summer camp no later than May 15th. No refunds for camp will be granted beyond June 1.
  • Refunds on all cancellations or withdrawals are subject to a 2% per week administrative fee per program or course option. The 2% fee will be based on the amount paid at the time the withdrawal/cancellation request is made.  
  • A 100% system credit can be awarded when a credit is being requested before May 15 as noted above. 
  • All cancellation or withdrawal requests are submitted through the contact us form


  • It is the YMCA’s policy that written notice of your child’s withdrawal from Out of School Time or Y Academy/ECE must be given 30 days in advance to avoid being charged for the following session. Any outstanding balance must be paid at the time of withdrawal.  
  • Exception – a one-day Full Day Out session (example – Elkhart Full Day Out April 29, 2024) is considered a program and the withdrawal/refund policy for programs above applies.  
  • Refunds on all cancellations or withdrawals are subject to a 2% administrative fee per program or course option for OST and per month for Y Academy/ECE. (Example: 2% of the monthly OST or Y Academy ECE fee; 2% of the one-day full day out program fee.) 
  • The YMCA reserves the right to dismiss a child from the program upon notifying the parent. Refunds or credits will not be issued for dismissal from the program due to behavior that is out of alignment with our code of conduct.  
  • All cancellation or withdrawal requests are submitted through the contact us form

Exceptions to the policies above and credits/refunds may be granted in the following cases: 

  • A doctor’s note stating that the child’s health will prohibit them from participating in the program. 
  • The child’s family moves out of the service area.  

Program Closure 

  • In the event of a YMCA program closure, parents will be notified via email, text, phone and in-person with as much notice as possible.  Any necessary refunds as determined by the YMCA of Metro Denver will be credited to the participant’s account.  
  • YMCA does not credit/refund due to weather related closures.  
  • This only applies to programs that are not already designated as closed for holidays or in-services. 

Additional Items 

  • Refunds on all cancellations are subject to a 2% administrative fee.   
  • No refunds are provided by cash. 

As of March 1, 2024, the YMCA of Metro Denver will begin to pass on a 2% surcharge for all transactions and accounts drafting from Mastercard, Visa and Discover credit cards. The surcharge is not applicable to debit or gift cards. Additionally, we will no longer accept American Express as a new payment method.

We encourage members, participants, everyone to update their on-file payment method in your YMCA account to ACH. Here’s how

All cancellation or withdrawal requests are submitted through the contact us form

Nationwide Membership

Members of Denver YMCA participate in the YMCA Nationwide Membership Program. Nationwide visitors (members from outside of Denver Metro Area) are allowed up to 28 non-consecutive visits per calendar year. After the 28 visits have been redeemed, a daily or monthly guest fee will be required or the visitor can join the Denver Metro YMCA. Members agree to release the National Council of Young Men’s Christian Associations of the United States of America, and its independent and autonomous member associations in the United States and Puerto Rico, from claims of negligence for bodily injury or death in connection with the use of YMCA facilities and from any liability for other claims, including loss of property, to the fullest extent of the law.

Posted Rules

Members and guests agree to abide by all other rules, guidelines, and policies posted at all Denver YMCA Facilities and Activities.

Participant Release, Waiver of Liability, and Indemnity Agreement


Thank you for your interest in joining the YMCA of Metropolitan Denver ("Denver YMCA") or in participating in Denver YMCA programs. Prior to participating in any Denver YMCA programs including access to any Denver YMCA premises, facilities, or equipment; sports programs; day camps; and field trips you must carefully read this Participant Release, Waiver of Liability, and Indemnity Agreement (the "Agreement"), make sure you understand it, and sign it.

Assumption of Risk
I acknowledge and agree that any use of Denver YMCA facilities, services, equipment, and premises ("Facilities") and any participation in Denver YMCA programs and activities ("Programs") comes with inherent risks including, but in no way limited to: (1) moderate and severe personal injury, (2) property damage, (3) disability, (4) death, and (5) sickness or disease. I voluntarily accept and assume full responsibility for these risks as well as any and all other risks of the use of Facilities and participation in Programs. I agree that I have full knowledge of the nature and extent of all such risks and am not relying on all such risks being described in this document. I am signing below on behalf of myself and, as applicable, in my legal capacity as the parent or guardian of the minor(s) listed on my account.

Waiver, Release, Indemnification, and Covenant Not to Sue
In consideration of the use of Facilities and participation in Programs, I, the undersigned, agree that Denver YMCA and its officers, directors, agents, employees, volunteers, insurers, and representatives ("Releasees") will not be liable for any personal injury, property damage, disability, death, sickness, or disease sustained by myself or my family members, dependents, or guests, including minors, however occurring, including by, but not limited to, the negligence of Releasees. I understand that I will be solely responsible for any loss or damage, including personal injury, property damage, disability, death, sickness, and disease sustained from the use of Facilities or participation in Programs.

I further agree, on behalf of myself, my legal successors and proxies, and my family members, dependents, and guests (including minors) to release and HEREBY DO RELEASE, WAIVE, AND COVENANT NOT TO SUE Releasees from and for any causes of action, claims, suits, liabilities, and demands of any nature whatsoever including, but in no way limited to, claims of negligence, which I, my legal successors and proxies, and my family members, dependents, and guests (including minors) may have, now or in the future, against Releasees on account of personal injury, property damage, disability, death, sickness, diseases, or accident of any kind, arising out of or in any way related to the use of Facilities or participation in Programs, whether that use or participation is supervised or unsupervised, however the injury or damage occurs, including, but not limited to, the negligence of Releasees.

In further consideration of the use of Facilities and participation in Programs, I agree to INDEMNIFY AND HOLD HARMLESS Releasees from any and all causes of action, claims, demands, losses, suits, liabilities, and costs of any nature whatsoever, including claims of negligence, arising out of or in any way related to the use of Facilities or participation in Programs by myself or my family members, dependents, or guests, including any minors.

Medical Care and Allergies
I agree to consult with my physician prior to participating in any Activities. I represent and warrant that I am in good health, with no physical or mental conditions that might cause injury to me or to others, and that I am able to handle the risks associated with the Activities. I acknowledge that no medication will be administered to minors unless the Parent/Guardian Request for Giving Medicine and Release Agreement is completed. Medications under this Agreement include all prescription, over-the-counter, nebulizer, and inhaled medication. I acknowledge that minors with severe allergies, asthma, or special health conditions participating in the Activities will need a health care plan signed by their health care provider and that it is the responsibility of the parents or guardians to coordinate with Denver YMCA staff and health care providers to put any of these plans in place for their children or wards. I acknowledge that Denver YMCA cannot control whether meals include or are prepared in facilities that use milk, eggs, fish, shellfish, nuts, legumes, wheat, soybeans, or other allergens. I understand that Denver YMCA cannot guarantee that any food product is free of all traces of any particular food allergen or that children will not come into contact with any food allergens while participating in the Activities.

By signing this Agreement, I also represent and warrant that I have read the Membership and Participant Policies and Code of Conduct posted on Denver YMCA's website ( and agree to be bound by it, as updated from time to time; that I will abide by the Code of Conduct and Denver YMCA policies set forth therein; and that I will abide by any other rules and policies posted at (or on the website of) any of the Facilities at which I participate in any Activities. This document constitutes the entire agreement between Denver YMCA and me with respect to the subject matter hereof and supersedes all prior agreements or understandings, whether oral or written, between us relating to the subject matter hereof. If any portion of the Agreement is held invalid, the remainder of the Agreement will continue in full force and effect. If any portion of this Agreement conflicts with any portion of the Membership and Participant Policies and Code of Conduct or any other rule or policy posted at (or on the website of) any of the Facilities, the terms of this Agreement will control. This Agreement will be governed by the laws of the State of Colorado. Read more about our membership policies.

I have read this Agreement and understand its content. I am over the age of 18. I sign this Agreement voluntarily on my behalf and intend for it to be legally binding. I acknowledge that I have had an opportunity to seek guidance from legal counsel. I am aware that I am agreeing to maintain an active membership through a minimum of one bill cycle from my join date.

IF MINORS UNDER 18 YEARS OF AGE WILL BE USING FACILITIES OR PARTICIPATING IN PROGRAMS, A PARENT OR GUARDIAN MUST READ AND SIGN ON THE MINORS BEHALF.   I am the parent or legal guardian of the minor(s) listed on my account. I acknowledge that I have read this Agreement and have full knowledge and understanding of its contents. I hereby agree to the terms of the Agreement on behalf of the named minor(s). I acknowledge that by signing this Agreement on behalf of the minor(s) that the minor(s) will be bound by all terms of this Agreement.

Updated 12/13/2023